
JK英検のお勉強 備忘録



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瞬間英作文 関係代名詞

スライド1 これは、Office の機能を利用した、Microsoft Office の埋め込み型のプレゼンテーションです。 スライド2 これは、Office の機能を利用した、Microsoft Office の埋め込み型のプレゼンテーションです。 私はボストンに住む友達がいる。 I have a…

瞬間英作文 比較級

My brother is as tall as my father.I don’t sing as well as my sister.I have as many books as you.This room is twice as large as that one.That room is half as larger as this room.Please call the doctor as soon as possible. She is three year…